Real Christmas Tree Care & Tips
Take Good Care of Your Real Christmas Tree from Cedar Lake Tree Farm!
Decide where you want to display your tree before selecting it. If the tree will be displayed in a corner where only one or two sides will show, you may be able to select a tree that is not perfectly shaped on all sides. If the room has a low ceiling or is small, don't select a tall tree you will have to trim or a big tree that will overpower the room. Select the type and size of tree that fits the room and pleases you.
To be assured that your tree will stay as fresh and safe as when you bought it, follow the care and safety tips listed below:
Saw off the cut end of your tree at least 1/2 inch above the original cut and immediately place the tree in water in a cool place until you are ready to display it.
Never let your tree run out of water; check it daily, as your tree absorbs water readily after cutting. If you let the tree run out of water, re-cut the end of your tree as described in tip 1 listed above.
Mist the branches and foliage with water daily to keep them moist and fresh.
Be sure the tree is well supported and is away from fireplaces, radiators, television sets, or other sources of heat that will dry out your tree.
Lighted candles or other open flames should never be used on or close to Christmas trees.
Check electric lights and connections. Worn, frayed wires or electric cords must not be used.
Avoid use of combustible decorations and flammable reflectors for colored lights. Keep metal foil icicles or tinsel away from bulb sockets.
Avoid accumulating wrapping paper and electrical toys under trees.
Unplug electric lights when no one is home.
Dispose of your tree properly; take it to a recycling center or consider making it into a bird feeder with suet, peanut butter, and seeds.
If you follow the tips for selecting and caring for your Real tree, you will have a beautiful healthy tree that will last and be safe throughout the holiday season.